Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lost a tooth!

Yesterday afternoon Sean showed me that he had a loose tooth. It didn't look too bad, and besides, wouldn't he have mentioned it before if it was really loose? Well, after we put him to bed, we were watching television in the living room. We heard him call for Michael. After a minute, Michael called for me! Sean's tooth had come out! We calmed Sean down and got him to lay back down. Then we had to go figure out the tooth fairy thing! It sure seems like we are doing this parent adventure on fast forward!

We also met with Sean's psychiatrist yesterday afternoon. He was amazed at the difference he saw in Sean since he saw him last month. He was supportive of our cutting down on Sean's medication. However, he spent the time talking to us, not Sean. I thought psychiatrists were supposed to do some counseling, too, not just write a prescription. We were in there 15 minutes. Fortunately, the guardian ad litem is arranging for some counseling for Sean. Maybe that will give him some real coping skills and truly help with the trauma he has experienced.

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