Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More news and play date

Yesterday we received a phone call from a DFCS case worker. She has been involved in the child's case somehow. She has to come do a second home visit on the 11th and 4:30. Yay, fun.

We went up to the courthouse to sign permission forms for the guardian ad litem to run a criminal background check on each of us. We also had to complete a drug screening. We received very high tech looking cups. They were kinda cool! They told you the results within about 2 minutes. I was fascinated! Our court date was confirmed as February 25 at 8:00am.

We received a bit of a financial blow. Please pray as we work though this.

We also confirmed our play date with the child for this afternoon. He will come home from school with us (Michael is substituting at my school today) and spend about 4 hours with us. We are thrilled, but also nervous. It has been a while since either of us spent this amount of time around a 6 year old. Yesterday when talking with the child he asked if he was coming to live with us today. I said no, but he was coming to visit. Then he asked if we had a weiner dog. Um, no idea where that came from. He seems excited. We stopped at Wal Mart last night and picked up a booster seat for my car.

Please continue to pray for us. Satan is working overtime on me right now. I am the worrier in the marriage and he is using that to make me doubt many many things. Also pray for Michael's strength as he tries to walk me through this. Some of you may know, but I came off of an anti-depressant around Thanksgiving that I had been on since 2002. I am having to re-learn how to handle stress and worry. Yesterday gave me a real work out.


Michael and Aletheia Leavitt said...

I just want you to know that I will be standing beside all the way through this. We are in this together. I promise you, I will be leaning on you once he is in our home, as I have NO IDEA what I am doing. We will trust in God and lean on Him together. I love you.

Kimberly Abalos said...

Hey Aletheia. Please call me if you need to talk. I know I don't have a 6 year old boy, but being a mom is stressful and it can help to bounce things off other moms.